February is LGBT+ history month, and our LGBTQIA+ staff network is celebrating by providing two opportunities for staff to join them to learn more about being LGBTQIA+ in 2025. The sessions will cover:
- Do you want to know more about the LGBTQIA+ community?
- What does inclusive language mean and how do I get it right?
- What do the LGBTQIA+ stand for?
- What matters to your LGBTQIA+ colleagues and patients?
Our LGBTQIA+ staff network has the answers – with friendly, informal training in a safe space where your questions can be answered, to help you support your LGBTQIA+ family, friends, colleagues and patients. This training is running via MS Teams:
If you have any further questions, please contact dchst.lgbt@nhs.net.
Active Bystander training dates at Ash Green: In-person Active Bystander training has been arranged at Ash Green in Chesterfield. The three-hour sessions are currently open to Chesterfield-area nursing and therapy colleagues only, and will take place in Ash Green’s main meeting room. The nature of the training means it needs to be in-person, not virtual. Sessions are available to book on the following dates:
- Thursday 9 January, 2pm – 5pm
- Friday 14 February, 10am – 1pm
- Thursday 13 March, 2pm – 5pm
- Thursday 3 April, 10am – 1pm
- Wednesday 21 May, 2pm – 5pm
- Tuesday 10 June, 10am – 1pm.
Numbers are limited per session due to training requirement and room capacity, so booking is essential. Although the sessions are currently only open to nursing and therapy colleagues based in Chesterfield, there are plans to provide sessions open to all colleagues in the future, so please keep an eye out for future dates. Please email Lucy Buttery or Abigail Trounson to register your interest and book on a session.
How to contact your Freedom to Speak Up (FTSU) guardian: Your DCHS FTSU guardian, Jackie Rawlings, provides support to staff who have concerns they are unable to raise via another route, or can signpost if you're not sure where to go. There are a number of ways to get in touch:
Please be aware, the contact form supports you to raise a concern anonymously. However if no contact details are provided, the FTSU guardian will be unable to contact you to discuss your concerns or provide any feedback. If you use the contact form and would like some feedback or advice on your concerns, please ensure you include an email address or phone number.
All contact with the FTSU guardian is confidential and your details will not be shared with anyone else, unless agreed with you.
Quick guide – kindness into action and respectful resolution: This new, ‘quick guide’ to the respectful resolution and kindness into action resources has been designed to help managers and colleagues understand what is available, why and how to use the resources for themselves, colleagues and teams. Click here to read through the guide.
Note for colleagues on declaring gifts: We know that our patients often like to give gifts, especially this time of year, and we're proud that patients value the care provided by our staff. Please remember that if you have received a gift from a patient or a supplier worth £20 or more, this will need to be declared. Just a reminder that gifts of cash or gift vouchers, regardless of the value, cannot be accepted. You must speak to your line manager for further advice. More details are provided in the standards of business conduct policy. If you need further advice, please contact Andrea Graham, deputy trust secretary, for advice. If you are in any doubt or if something seems unusual please just declare regardless of value. The forms are available within the policy or contact Andrea.
2025 Research Forum - save the dates: In collaboration with the library and knowledge services team, our research champions are hosting an online series on keeping up to date with latest evidence and how to critically appraise different types of papers. Come along and meet the team - we will be sending out MS Team links very soon so keep your eyes peeled for those . The dates are:
- Randomised controlled trial with Lindsay Snell - Wednesday 22 January 12pm, 1pm
- Systematic review of randomised controlled trials with Hannah Tucker - Tuesday 25 March, 1pm - 2pm
- Cohort study with Lisa Lawrence - Tuesday 13 May, 12pm - 1pm
- Case control study with Lindsay Snell - Tuesday 23 September, 1pm - 2pm
- Systematic review of observational studies (presenter TBC) - Thursday 20 November, 12pm - 1pm.
The Oliver McGowan mandatory training in learning disabilities and autism tier 2 is now available to book at various locations throughout January and February. All sessions are available on ESR for patient facing staff to book onto now.
Why not kick off 2025 with Quality Conversations? Join us for our brand new spotlight session - clear conversations. Did you know that six out of 10 people in Derbyshire will struggle to understand basic health information? In this interactive online session, we'll dive into the importance of verbal health literacy. You will get a chance to learn and practice how to communicate in a health literacy-friendly way, ask the right questions, and support people to manage their health and wellbeing. Book your place for our Monday 27 January session here. We also have lots of exciting sessions coming up for you in January. Find out more and book your place on the QC website.