National Quarterly Pulse Survey (NQPS): Our next NQPS goes live today, and will run until Friday 31 January. Look out for an email from ‘’ in your inbox to complete your survey. It’s the perfect opportunity to share how you’re feeling, allowing us to make improvements and track our performance against the People Promise. It only takes a few minutes to complete and complements other employee listening tools such as the NHS Staff Survey.
We're currently working through the early data generated by the NHS National Staff Survey 2024 and will share it as soon as we can. If you have any queries about the NQPS, the national NHS Staff Survey, or staff engagement in general, please contact Simon Rose, staff engagement lead at
Drop-in to a flu clinic this week: You can book online to have your flu vaccination here. There are roaming flu clinics this week all over Derbyshire - check out all the times and dates for each clinic here. Feel free to drop-in to any of these flu clinics at any time. Any questions, please email the team at
HIV Testing Week is taking place from 10 to 16 February 2025, and here are just some of the ways to get involved:
- Display information and posters about HIV testing week in the staff room and/or patient waiting areas. Free resources can be ordered from HIV Prevention England (HPE)
- Find out more about testing; how often should you test and why it matters to test early
- Testing for HIV is free, fast, confidential, and simple – you can even do it at home. Order online here
- Sign up to our HIV Pledge to end HIV stigma and support the cause to stop HIV transmissions in the UK by 2030. Find out more here.
Thank you in advance for your support. For further information about access to sexual health services, online, in clinic or a community setting, please visit our new website.
Nominations are now open for this year’s Our Health Heroes Awards, celebrating the wider healthcare workforce that supports NHS doctors and nurses on the frontline. It's a national celebration of their achievements and provides an opportunity to give thanks for the important role that they play in keeping the NHS going. The categories cover a wide range of roles, this year's categories are:
- Apprentice of the year
- Best healthcare workforce collaboration
- Clinical support worker of the year
- Digital innovation
- Dedication to a lifelong learning culture
- Equity, diversity and inclusion
- Healthcare Volunteer of the Year
- Operational support worker of the year
- Outstanding lifetime contribution to healthcare.
If you have a colleague in mind for a nomination, you need to do so by Friday 4 March. So what are you waiting for? Nominate your Health Hero today.
2025 Quality and Safe Care Champions (QSCC) marketplace - ‘inclusion and celebrating excellence in QSCCs', learn and share event at Chesterfield FC: All QSCCs are invited to this marketplace learn and share event on Wednesday 19 March at - 9am – 12pm or 12:30pm – 3:30pm. Find more details on this poster, or book your place via ESR here.
Leading with kindness - a virtual workshop: As people, we all have a responsibility for the way we behave. At work, the responsibility is amplified, and this applies no matter what your role. Check out and book yourself onto one of these leading with kindness bitesize sessions. We're all leaders when it comes to kindness and these sessions are open to all staff, not just those in management positions. They are really practical sessions which will be helpful in your day-to-day work. See this flyer for a summary of the sessions and booking information.
Following a pause from the learning the lessons group, a new learning through experience group has launched. This group meets quarterly to gather and share insights and best practices from across DCHS, focusing on a people-centred approach that prioritises listening to experiences and acting on feedback. The group's aims are:
- Identifying learning opportunities from individual events or common themes
- Effectively sharing this learning throughout the Trust
- Monitoring the implementation of identified learnings
- Preventing the recurrence of negative experiences
- Promoting the adoption of practices that enhance positive experiences
- Fostering a culture of learning without blame.
Anyone can identify learning that may benefit others. If you would like to share and bring to the group, please contact: Esther Jennison-Boyle, assistant director for AHPs, or Victoria Stafford, quality and professional standards admin officer.
New Datix incident training videos: Training on how to report an incident, which was previously delivered by MS Teams, has now been replaced with two new videos. Click this link to view the videos for how to report a patient, client, or customer incident and how to report a non-patient incident.
Warp-It reuse management system: Warp-It makes it very easy for services in DCHS to get hold of any items that are surplus to requirements in other teams. There are currently many items available for staff to claim and new items are added frequently. A list of currently active items available to be claimed is now available on the procurement intranet page. As well as viewing active items, this page also has a link for new members to register.
Derbyshire NHS Christian network virtual meetings: The network has an informal virtual group meeting every Wednesday mornings 8.30am - 9am, click here to join the meeting. The network is also running lunchtime meetings on the following dates/times:
Please feel free to pop in. Any queries please contact
Update from the mental health, learning disabilities and autism delivery board: The board’s aim is to collectively make improvements to outcomes for people with mental illness, learning disabilities and/or autism, and to implement the requirements of the NHS long term plan. This update shares key points of discussion from January's meeting.
Quality Conversations (QC) for leaders: This innovative training builds on core QC skills to support conversations for leaders. Here’s what you’ll gain:
- More effective conversations - use coaching, psychology, and behavioural science to support staff and patients
- Better support - lead with compassion and care, especially for those who experience more barriers to health and wellbeing, at work and away from work
- Improved wellbeing - boost your own engagement, effectiveness and feedback skills.
The training takes place on Thursday 6 February from 9.15am - 12.30pm. Book your place here.